Federal Davis-Bacon WD-10 Survey Submission
We offer a comprehensive Federal Davis-Bacon WD-10 Survey Submission service. We have been facilitating Davis-Bacon survey submissions for 21 years.
We prepare all your survey data in the appropriate format in compliance with Federal Department of Labor requirements. We can prepare your survey data
from nearly any available electronic or paper formats. We provide a variety of analytical reports and county maps and we streamline the final survey
submission through the Federal D.O.L. electronic WD-10 service. We automatically cache a comprehensive copy of every single submitted survey, along
with the automatically captured "Confirmation Submission Number" returned by the Federal Department of Labor electronic WD-10 web service.
In the past few years we have made significant new advances. We have facilitated rapid WD-10 submissions for years, and now we can also rapidly upload
large volumes of raw construction data from nearly any file format. This new capacity makes it easier to facilitate Davis-Bacon survey submissions with
a shorter window of preparation time. We still prefer at least six months of lead time before the scheduled survey "cutoff" date, but we offer options
for 6-month, 5-month, 4-month and 3-month lead times.
Are you preparing for a fast approaching federal survey deadline? CALL US!
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